Saturday, May 06, 2006

George Harrison

"If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there"
George Harrison, Any Road, Brainwashed (2003)

Y sugerida por Vero , pero del mismo Harrison

Give me love, give me love
Give me peace on Earth
Give me light, give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope to help me cope
With this heavy load
Trying to touch and reach you
With heart and soul


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A propósito de esto de las citas.....aunque George Harrison no tiene nada que ver....ayer me quedé en un hotel en había citas por todas partes....y rescaté algunas....

En los ceniceros....
"Always laugh when you can. It's cheap medicne"
Lord Byron...

En los posavasos...
"Water is the only drink for a wise man"
Henry David Thoreau...

En la caja de fósforos...
"Following the ligth of the sun, we left the old wolrd"
Christopher Colombus....

Cuídate y nos vemos a la vuelta....

5:21 AM  
Blogger Miguelito said...

Gracias por el comentario, se agradece todo aporte. Se publicará en su momento como post.
Saludos, y no te maltrates tanto.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Vero said...

Mi favorita:

Give me love, give me love
Give me peace on Earth
Give me light, give me life
Keep me free from birth
Give me hope to help me cope
With this heavy load
Trying to touch and reach you
With heart and soul

Es me beatle favorito de lejos.

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

1:18 AM  

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