Mc Ewan

"It's a commonplace of pareting and modern genetics that parents have little or no influence on the characters of their children. You never know who you are going to get. Opportunities, health, prospects, accent, table manners - these might lie within your power to shape. But what really determines the sort of person who's coming to live with you is which sperm finds which egg, how the cards in two packs are chosen, then how they are shuffled, halved and spliced at the moment of recombination. Cheerfull or neurotic, kind or greedy, curious or dull, expansive or shy and anywhere in between; it can be quite an affront to parental self-regard, just how much of the work has alredy been done."
Mac Ewan, Ian, Saturday, pagina 25, 2005, Anchor Books, NY.
"The bigger you think, the crapier it looks. (...) When we go on about the big things, the political situation, global warming, world poverty, it all looks like really terible, with nothing getting better, nothing to ook forward to. But when I think small, closer in, you know, a girl I've just met, or this song we're going to do with Chas, or snowboarding next month, then it looks great. So this is going to be my motto - think small."
Mac Ewan, Ian, Saturday,pagina 35, 2005, Anchor Books, NY.
Qué buena cita la segunda, me encanta eso de pensar en pequeño,
creo que de ahí salen las mejores ideas. En fin.
HK en el traje de Darth Vader... jajaja, un buen chiste (aunque cuidado con los fanáticos, mejor escóndete de ellos).
resulta que no te puedo postear con mi cuenta si no te cambias a beta. qué fome.
yo amo a mc ewan.
yo amo a mc ewan.
yo amo a mc ewan.
yo amo a mc ewan.
Yo también quiero pensar en pequeño!