15 cosas que se pueden decir para enojar a un fan de Morrisey

No lo escribo yo (es un blog de citas), y tampoco fui yo quien lo encontró, sino que nuestra fiel amiga Endora, a quien nuevamente se le agradece el aporte. Aclaro que soy un admirador de don Stephen Patrick Morrisey (o Esteban Patricio, como prefiero llamarlo) al que alguna vez llamaron "Un poeta moderno o quizás solo un llorón".
"15 things to say to piss off a Smiths fan".
This article is in "Zero", a brazilian magazine.
1 - Morrissey is gay.
2 - Morrissey is so gay.
3 - Jhonny Marr was ok but the rest of the band was crap.
4 - Jhonny Marr was ok but he was not so good solo.
5 - "Rusholme Ruffians" is a copy of "(Marie's the name)His latest flame".
6 - Morrissey's maturity as a poet was reached in "Ouija Board, Ouija Board".
7 - They didn't need to say that they hated videoclips. The ones they left said it all.
8 - What touches people in the Smiths' discography is that cows sounds in the beginning of "Meat Is Murder".
9 - When I listen to the band I get so excited as andy Rourke used to get on stage.
10 - Morrissey still have time to complain about life and get a descent job.
11 - When Mick Ronson produced "Your arsenal" he was already severally affect by his disease and couldn't distinguish what as right from what was wrong.
12 - Did you buy the pillowcase that was been sold on the Latin-america tour? Did it really had a "Bite Here" in the corner?
13 - You that is a fan: can you explain why Morrissey used a band-aid in the nipple in the "November Spawned a Monster" video?
14 - If The Buzzcocs didn't exist, Manchester would be irrelevant today.
15 - Morrissey is really gay."
That article was very stupid. If the person who wrote thought that it was going to be funny, he was way wrong. "
esto no es un aporte, es un descarado robo, jajajaja
el poeta ladrón
esto no es un aporte, es un descarado robo, jajajaja
el poeta ladrón
Si está correctamente reseñado, no es robo ni plagio. Lero lero. Gracias por su aporte. Huichipirichi.
a ver a ver!
no me atrevi a publicarlo en mi blog, no quiero que la gente crea que me falta creatividad.
by Thom Yorke
A self-fulfilling prophecy of endless possibilty
You're born and raised across the street
In algebra, in algebra
The fences that you cannot climb
The sentences that do not rhyme
In all that you can ever change
The one you're looking for
It gets you down
It gets you down
There's no spark
No light in the dark
It gets you down
It gets you down
You travel far
What have you found
When there's no time
There's no time
To analyse
To think things through
To make sense
It gets you down
It gets you down
You're just playing a part
You're just playing a part
You're playing a part
Playing a part
When there's no time
There's no time
To Analyse
mary had a little lamb,
everywhere that mary went,
the lamb was sure to go,
sure to go.
mary had a little lamb,
litte lamb little lanb.